Following on from previous successful years, after a two-year break, a global gathering of leading scientists from the field of prion and prion diseases research was held on 13–16 September 2022. The PRION2020/2022 conference, which took place in the German university city of Göttingen, once again brought interesting lectures and discussions about the latest advances in prion-related research. Representatives of our laboratory actively participated in the conference with poster presentations "Photodynamic inactivation of prions reduces infectivity in mouse bioassay but not seeding activity in RT-QuIC" and "Large and small extracellular vesicles differ in the level of prion associated infectivity in cell culture "; the contribution "Evaluation of the seeding activity of alpha-synuclein in brain and cerebrospinal fluid tissue samples" was selected for presentation in the form of a lecture within the workshop "Bio-marker/Human diseases". Abstracts can be found here.